Knowledge Center

This page includes various articles and videos organized under the three categories shown below. The articles and videos are short and easy to read. Most articles are less than one page, videos are eight minutes or less. Please also look for the youtube channel links at the top of the page (I have 2 channels/links). I welcome you to contact me if you have any questions or topics you would like me to cover.

Back Taxes

This section includes information about filing back taxes and what happens if you have not filed for a number of years. 


To View, Click on the titles:

Solace for the Non Filer

File your tax return on time when you owe!

IRS Offer In Compromise

Ways to Pay the IRS 

Audit Help

This group of articles/videos is about audits and examples of audit situations I encounter. 


To view, click on the titles:

My Plea: Let me see your IRS letter!

I Saved My Clients $368